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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cap snatching 
degradation of host chromosome by virus 
establishment of viral latency +   
exit of virus from host cell nucleus +  
fusion of viral membrane with host outer nuclear membrane 
IRES-dependent viral translational initiation  
latency-replication decision 
latent virus replication +   
lysis of host organelle involved in viral entry into host cell +  
maintenance of viral latency 
membrane fusion involved in viral entry into host cell +   
modulation of formation of structure involved in a symbiotic process +  
negative regulation by host of viral process +   
negative regulation of biological process +   
negative regulation of viral process +   
permeabilization of host organelle membrane involved in viral entry into host cell +  
polyadenylation of viral mRNA by polymerase stuttering 
positive regulation by host of viral process +   
positive regulation of biological process +   
positive regulation of viral process +   
regulation of action potential +   
regulation of biological process involved in symbiotic interaction +   
regulation of cellular pH reduction +   
regulation of cellular process +   
regulation of circadian rhythm +   
regulation of developmental process +   
regulation of growth +   
regulation of hemostasis +   
regulation of immune system process +   
regulation of localization +   
regulation of locomotion +   
regulation of membrane hyperpolarization +   
regulation of membrane repolarization +   
regulation of multicellular organismal process +   
regulation of pigmentation +   
regulation of plasma lipoprotein particle levels +   
regulation of reproductive process +   
regulation of response to stimulus +   
regulation of signaling +   
regulation of viral process +   
Any process that modulates the rate or extent of the viral life cycle, the set of processes by which a virus reproduces and spreads among hosts.
release from viral latency +   
reorganization of host cellular membranes to establish sites of replication 
ribosomal skipping 
signaling +   
superinfection exclusion 
suppression by virus of host cell lysis in response to superinfection 
symbiont genome ejection through host cell envelope +  
transport of virus +   
uncoating of virus 
viral budding +   
viral capsid assembly +  
viral capsid secondary envelopment  
viral DNA repair 
viral gene expression +   
viral genome circularization 
viral genome integration into host DNA 
viral genome maturation 
viral genome packaging +   
viral genome replication +   
viral head-tail joining 
viral latency +   
viral life cycle +   
viral mRNA export from host cell nucleus 
viral protein processing  
viral release from host cell +   
viral replication complex formation and maintenance 
viral RNA editing 
viral scaffold assembly and maintenance 
viral tail assembly +  
viral transcription +   
viral translation +   
viral translational frameshifting  
viral translational termination-reinitiation  
viral tropism switching 
virion assembly +   
virion maturation 
virus baseplate assembly 
virus maturation +   
virus tail fiber assembly 

Narrow Synonyms: regulation of viral reproduction
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators, GOC:tb

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