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Ontology Browser

host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition (GO:0048874)
Annotations: Rat: (9) Mouse: (10) Human: (10) Chinchilla: (9) Bonobo: (9) Dog: (9) Squirrel: (9) Pig: (9) Naked Mole-rat: (9) Green Monkey: (8)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
epidermal stem cell homeostasis  
hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis  
hepatocyte homeostasis  
homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue +   
host-mediated regulation of intestinal microbiota composition  
The biological process involved in maintaining the steady-state number of cells within a population of free-living cells such as the bacteria in the gut.
host-mediated regulation of oral microbiota composition 
host-mediated suppression of symbiont invasion  
intestinal stem cell homeostasis  
leukocyte homeostasis +   
modulation by host of viral process +   
modulation of nutrient release by symbiont +  
myeloid cell homeostasis +   
negative regulation by host of viral transcription +   
positive regulation by host of viral transcription  

Related Synonyms: homeostasis of number of cells in a free-living population ;   host-induced regulation of intestinal microbiota composition
Definition Sources: PMID:25757720

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