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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
nucleus +     
ascospore-type prospore nucleus 
dense nuclear body 
generative cell nucleus 
The nucleus of the generative cell, a cell contained within the pollen grain that will divide to produce two haploid sperm cells.
germ cell nucleus +   
left nucleus 
megasporocyte nucleus +   
microsporocyte nucleus 
mitotic nuclear bridge +  
nuclear envelope +   
nuclear inclusion body +   
nuclear lumen +   
nuclear microtubule  
nuclear protein-containing complex +   
nuclear stress granule  
nucleus lagging edge 
nucleus leading edge 
primary endosperm nucleus 
pronucleus +   
retrotransposon nucleocapsid 
right nucleus 

Broad Synonyms: male germ cell nucleus ;   sperm cell nucleus
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:3398 ! Magnoliophyta
Definition Sources: GOC:tair_curators

paths to the root