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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
centromeric DNA binding  
DNA replication origin binding  
dsDNA-RNA triple helix-forming chromatin adaptor activity  
non-sequence-specific DNA binding, bending  
P-element binding 
piRNA cluster binding +  
rDNA binding +   
replication fork barrier binding +  
satellite DNA binding +   
sequence-specific DNA binding, bending +   
The activity of binding selectively and non-covalently to DNA in a sequence-specific manner and distorting the original structure of DNA, typically a straight helix, into a bend, or increasing the bend if the original structure was intrinsically bent due to its sequence.
tDNA binding 
transcription cis-regulatory region binding +   

Exact Synonyms: DNA bending involving sequence-specific DNA binding
Definition Sources: GOC:jl, GOC:vw

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