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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
INO80-type complex +     
nuclear chromosome +     
Barr body  
CMG complex  
COMA complex 
condensed nuclear chromosome +   
epsilon DNA polymerase complex  
GINS complex  
Ino80 complex  
A multisubunit protein complex that contains the Ino80p ATPase; exhibits chromatin remodeling activity.
nuclear origin of replication recognition complex  
nuclear replication fork +   
nucleolar chromatin +   
perichromatin fibrils  
RITS complex 
Rpd3L-Expanded complex  
Set3 complex  
Sin3-type complex +   
Slx1-Slx4 complex  
Smp focus 
Swi5-Sfr1 complex  
Swi5-Swi2 complex  
Swr1 complex  

Exact Synonyms: INO80 chromatin remodeling complex
Definition Sources: GOC:jh, GOC:rb, PMID:19355820

paths to the root