modulation of formation of structure involved in a symbiotic process +
negative regulation of biological process +
positive regulation of biological process +
regulation of action potential +
regulation of biological process involved in symbiotic interaction +
regulation of cellular pH reduction +
regulation of cellular process +
regulation of circadian rhythm +
regulation of developmental process +
regulation of growth +
regulation of hemostasis +
regulation of immune system process +
regulation of localization +
regulation of locomotion +
regulation of membrane hyperpolarization +
regulation of membrane repolarization +
regulation of multicellular organismal process +
regulation of pigmentation +
regulation of plasma lipoprotein particle levels +
regulation of reproductive process +
regulation of response to stimulus +
regulation of signaling +
regulation of viral process +
signaling +
The entirety of a process in which information is transmitted within a biological system. This process begins with an active signal and ends when a cellular response has been triggered.