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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adhesion between unicellular organisms +  
cell-cell adhesion in response to extracellular stimulus +  
cell-cell adhesion involved in sealing an epithelial fold +  
cell-cell adhesion involved in synapse maturation  
cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin +   
cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin +   
cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules +   
chorio-allantoic fusion  
epithelial cell-cell adhesion +   
heterotypic cell-cell adhesion +   
homotypic cell-cell adhesion +   
leukocyte cell-cell adhesion +   
mesenchymal cell condensation involved in mammary fat development 
negative regulation of cell adhesion +   
negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion +   
neuron cell-cell adhesion  
neuronal-glial interaction involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration +   
neuronal-glial interaction involved in hindbrain glial-mediated radial cell migration  
pollen adhesion 
pollen tube adhesion 
positive regulation of cell adhesion +   
positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion +   
pre-tubular aggregate formation +  
regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization by cell-cell adhesion  
regulation of cell adhesion involved in growth plate cartilage morphogenesis 
regulation of cell adhesion involved in heart morphogenesis  
regulation of cell adhesion involved in intussusceptive angiogenesis 
regulation of cell adhesion involved in sprouting angiogenesis +   
regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin +   
regulation of cell-cell adhesion +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of attachment of a cell to another cell.
regulation of cell-substrate adhesion +   

Definition Sources: GOC:isa_complete

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