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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
peroxisome +     
glycosome +  
glyoxysome +  
P1 peroxisome 
P2 peroxisome 
P3 peroxisome 
P4 peroxisome 
A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P4 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content.
P5 peroxisome 
P6 peroxisome 
peroxisomal matrix +   
peroxisomal membrane +   

Broad Synonyms: peroxisome vesicle
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:4952 ! Yarrowia lipolytica
Definition Sources: PMID:10629216

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