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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
peroxisome +     
glycosome +  
glyoxysome +  
P1 peroxisome 
P2 peroxisome 
P3 peroxisome 
A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P3 peroxisomes are formed by fusion of P1 and P2 peroxisomes, and are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content.
P4 peroxisome 
P5 peroxisome 
P6 peroxisome 
peroxisomal matrix +   
peroxisomal membrane +   

Broad Synonyms: peroxisome vesicle
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:4952 ! Yarrowia lipolytica
Definition Sources: PMID:10629216

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