intracellular transport of viral protein in host cell
The directed movement of a viral protein within the host cell.
negative regulation by virus of viral protein levels in host cell
positive regulation by virus of viral protein levels in host cell
Exact Synonyms:
intracellular transport of viral proteins in host cell
intracellular viral protein transport
Narrow Synonyms:
cytoplasmic viral capsid transport
intracellular transport of viral capsid protein in host cell
intracellular viral capsid transport
nuclear viral capsid transport
viral capsid transport in host cell cytoplasm
viral capsid transport in host cell nucleus
Related Synonyms:
intracellular transport of viral capsid in host cell
Alternate IDs:
Reactome:R-HSA-168874 "Transport of HA trimer, NA tetramer and M2 tetramer from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi Apparatus"