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Ontology Browser

inorganic molecular entity transmembrane transporter activity (GO:0015318)
Annotations: Rat: (712) Mouse: (696) Human: (763) Chinchilla: (532) Bonobo: (659) Dog: (686) Squirrel: (659) Pig: (676) Naked Mole-rat: (627) Green Monkey: (692)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acetate ester transmembrane transporter activity +   
active transmembrane transporter activity +   
alkane transmembrane transporter activity 
amide transmembrane transporter activity +   
amine transmembrane transporter activity +   
amino acid transmembrane transporter activity +   
arsenate ion transmembrane transporter activity +  
auxin transmembrane transporter activity +  
azole transmembrane transporter activity +   
bicyclomycin transmembrane transporter activity 
biopterin transmembrane transporter activity 
carbohydrate derivative transmembrane transporter activity +   
carbohydrate transmembrane transporter activity +   
carbon dioxide transmembrane transporter activity  
chlorophyll catabolite transmembrane transporter activity 
cyanate transmembrane transporter activity +  
efflux transmembrane transporter activity +   
ergothioneine transmembrane transporter activity 
ferric triacetylfusarinine C transmembrane transporter activity +  
heme transmembrane transporter activity +   
inorganic molecular entity transmembrane transporter activity +   
Enables the transfer of an inorganic molecular entity from the outside of a cell to the inside of the cell across a membrane. An inorganic molecular entity is a molecular entity that contains no carbon.
iron chelate transmembrane transporter activity +  
lipid transmembrane transporter activity +   
lipo-chitin oligosaccharide transmembrane transporter activity +  
lipoate transmembrane transporter activity 
macromolecule transmembrane transporter activity +   
mevalonate transmembrane transporter activity  
mobile ion carrier activity 
modified amino acid transmembrane transporter activity +   
monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity +   
neurotransmitter transmembrane transporter activity +   
nucleobase transmembrane transporter activity +   
nucleobase-containing compound transmembrane transporter activity +   
organic acid transmembrane transporter activity +   
organic anion transmembrane transporter activity +   
organic cation transmembrane transporter activity +   
organic hydroxy compound transmembrane transporter activity +   
organophosphate ester transmembrane transporter activity +   
oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity  
passive transmembrane transporter activity +   
peptide transmembrane transporter activity +   
poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine transmembrane transporter activity 
polyamine transmembrane transporter activity +   
salt transmembrane transporter activity +   
siderophore-iron transmembrane transporter activity +   
sulfur compound transmembrane transporter activity +   
toxin transmembrane transporter activity +   
vitamin transmembrane transporter activity +   
xenobiotic transmembrane transporter activity +   

Exact Synonyms: inorganic solute uptake transmembrane transporter activity ;   inorganic uptake permease activity
Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_transport, ISBN:0815340729

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