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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
tartrate transmembrane transporter activity +  
urate transmembrane transporter activity  
Enables the transfer of urate from one side of a membrane to the other. Urate is the anion of uric acid, 2,6,8-trioxypurine, the end product of purine metabolism in certain mammals and the main excretory product in uricotelic animals.

Exact Synonyms: uric acid transmembrane transporter activity
Xrefs: Reactome:R-HSA-5625210 "Defective SLC22A12 does not exchange extracellular urate for cytosolic LACT" ;   reactome:R-HSA-2872497 "SLC17A3-2 transports cytosolic urate to extracellular region" ;   reactome:R-HSA-561253 "SLC22A12 exchanges extracellular urate for cytosolic LACT"
Definition Sources: GOC:ai

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