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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
bacterial-type flagellum assembly +  
pilus assembly +  
The assembly from its constituent parts of a pilus, a short filamentous structure of bacterial cell, flagella-like in structure and generally present in many copies. Pili are variously involved in transfer of nucleic acids, adherence to surfaces, and formation of pellicles. Is required for bacterial conjugation, or can play a role in adherence to surfaces (when it is called a fimbrium), and in the formation of pellicles.
pilus retraction 
plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly +   
regulation of cell projection assembly +   
trichome papilla formation 

Exact Synonyms: pilus formation
Narrow Synonyms: fimbria assembly ;   fimbriae assembly ;   fimbrial assembly ;   fimbrium assembly
Related Synonyms: fimbria biogenesis ;   fimbriae biogenesis ;   fimbrium biogenesis ;   pilus biogenesis
Definition Sources: GOC:dgh, GOC:mcc2, GOC:tb

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