Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: Na+(out) + HCO3-(out) = Na+(in) + HCO3-(in).
sodium:galactoside symporter activity
sodium:phosphate symporter activity +
sodium:sulfate symporter activity
urea:sodium symporter activity
zinc:bicarbonate symporter activity +
Exact Synonyms:
sodium:hydrogencarbonate symporter activity
Broad Synonyms:
sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter activity
Reactome:R-HSA-5656219 "Defective SLC4A4 does not cotransport Na+ with 3HCO3-"
reactome:R-HSA-425483 "SLC4A5,7,9 cotransport Na+ with 3HCO3-"
reactome:R-HSA-8878664 "SLC4A4 cotransports Na+ with 3HCO3-"