The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain and spinal cord. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord.
circulatory system development +
determination of left/right asymmetry in nervous system +
digestive system development +
endocrine system development +
ensheathment of neurons +
enteric nervous system development
exocrine system development +
ganglion development +
hepaticobiliary system development +
immune system development +
limbic system development +
negative regulation of nervous system development +
nerve development +
nervous system development +
neural tube development +
neurogenesis +
notochord formation
parasympathetic nervous system development +
peripheral nervous system development +
pharyngeal system development +
plant organ development +
positive regulation of nervous system development +