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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
immune response +     
adaptive immune response +   
cell activation involved in immune response +   
cytokine production involved in immune response +   
humoral immune response +   
An immune response mediated through a body fluid.
immune response in gut-associated lymphoid tissue +   
immune response involved in response to exogenous dsRNA  
immune response to tumor cell +   
immunological memory process +   
inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus +   
innate immune response +   
leukocyte migration involved in immune response +   
negative regulation of immune response +   
organ or tissue specific immune response +   
positive regulation of immune response +   
prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response +   
regulation of immune response +   
type 2 immune response +   

Xrefs: Wikipedia:Humoral_immunity
Definition Sources: GOC:hb, ISBN:0198506732

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