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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
aspartate secretion +   
catecholamine secretion +   
contractile vacuole dissociation from plasma membrane 
endocytosis +   
endosomal transport +   
endosome to lysosome transport +   
exocytosis +   
A process of secretion by a cell that results in the release of intracellular molecules (e.g. hormones, matrix proteins) contained within a membrane-bounded vesicle. Exocytosis can occur either by full fusion, when the vesicle collapses into the plasma membrane, or by a kiss-and-run mechanism that involves the formation of a transient contact, a pore, between a granule (for example of chromaffin cells) and the plasma membrane. The latter process most of the time leads to only partial secretion of the granule content. Exocytosis begins with steps that prepare vesicles for fusion with the membrane (tethering and docking) and ends when molecules are secreted from the cell.
extracellular matrix constituent secretion +   
glutamate secretion +   
glutamine secretion  
glycine secretion +   
Golgi vesicle transport +   
late endosome to vacuole transport +   
lysosome to ER cholesterol transport 
mitochondrion-derived vesicle mediated transport +   
multivesicular body sorting pathway +   
negative regulation of secretion by cell +   
neurotransmitter receptor transport postsynaptic membrane to endosome  
octopamine secretion +  
plasma membrane to endosome transport +   
plastid to vacuole vesicle-mediated transport 
positive regulation of secretion by cell +   
primary amine secretion +  
protein secretion +   
regulation of secretion by cell +   
regulation of vesicle-mediated transport +   
retrograde transport, plasma membrane to Golgi  
secretion by lung epithelial cell involved in lung growth  
secretion by the type IV secretion system +  
signal release +   
SNARE complex disassembly +   
transcytosis +   
vesicle budding from membrane +   
vesicle cargo loading +   
vesicle docking +   
vesicle fusion +   
vesicle targeting +   
vesicle uncoating +   
vesicle-mediated cholesterol transport +   
vesicle-mediated intercellular transport  
vesicle-mediated transport in synapse +   
vesicle-mediated transport to the plasma membrane +   

Exact Synonyms: vesicle exocytosis
Related Synonyms: nonselective vesicle exocytosis
Alternate IDs: GO:0016194 ;   GO:0016195
Xrefs: Wikipedia:Exocytosis
Definition Sources: GOC:mah, ISBN:0716731363, PMID:22323285

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