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Ontology Browser

nervous system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure (GO:0001976)
Annotations: Rat: (23) Mouse: (24) Human: (23) Chinchilla: (20) Bonobo: (21) Dog: (22) Squirrel: (21) Pig: (22) Naked Mole-rat: (22) Green Monkey: (23)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cerebrospinal fluid circulation  
chemical synaptic transmission, postsynaptic +   
circadian regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure +  
cognition +   
detection of dietary excess 
detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound  
detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of wind 
echolocation +  
negative regulation of nervous system process +   
negative regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure +   
nervous system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure +   
The regulation of blood pressure mediated by detection of stimuli and a neurological response.
neuromuscular process +   
neuronal action potential propagation  
positive regulation of nervous system process +   
positive regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure +   
presynaptic process involved in chemical synaptic transmission 
regulation of nervous system process +   
regulation of renin secretion into blood stream +   
regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange by nervous system process  
regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by physical factors +  
regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure involved in acute-phase response 
regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure mediated by a chemical signal +   
renal system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure +   
sensory perception +   
transmission of nerve impulse +   

Exact Synonyms: blood pressure regulation by neurological process ;   neurological process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure ;   neurological system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure
Related Synonyms: fast control of arterial pressure
Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_cardio, ISBN:0721643949

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