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Ontology Browser

detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of salty taste (GO:0001583)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of bitter taste  
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of salty taste 
The series of events required for a salty taste stimulus to be received and converted to a molecular signal.
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sour taste  
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sweet taste  
detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of umami taste 

Exact Synonyms: perception of salty taste, detection of chemical stimulus ;   perception of salty taste, sensory transduction of chemical stimulus ;   salty taste detection ;   sensory detection of chemical stimulus during perception of salty taste ;   sensory detection of salty taste ;   sensory transduction of chemical stimulus during perception of salty taste ;   sensory transduction of salty taste
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators

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