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Ontology Browser

agglutination involved in conjugation with cellular fusion (GO:0000752)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adaptation of signaling pathway by response to pheromone involved in conjugation with cellular fusion +  
agglutination involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 
The aggregation or adhesion of compatible mating types via complementary cell-cell interactions during conjugation with cellular fusion of a unicellular organism. An example of this process is agglutination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
agglutination involved in conjugation with mutual genetic exchange 
cell morphogenesis involved in conjugation with cellular fusion +  
cell wall organization involved in conjugation with cellular fusion +  
cytogamy +  
flocculation +  
karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 
mating pheromone secretion involved in regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion 
mitotic cell cycle G1 arrest in response to pheromone 
negative regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion +  
nuclear migration involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 
olfactory sociosexual communication 
peptide mating pheromone maturation involved in positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion 
pheromone response MAPK cascade +  
pheromone-dependent signal transduction involved in conjugation with cellular fusion +  
pollen tube adhesion 
pollen tube reception 
positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion +  
regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion +  
response to pheromone triggering conjugation with cellular fusion +  
single-species biofilm formation +   
social behavior +   
socially cooperative development +  

Exact Synonyms: cell-cell adhesion during conjugation with cellular fusion ;   cell-cell adhesion during mating
Broad Synonyms: agglutination
Alternate IDs: GO:0007334
Definition Sources: GOC:elh

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