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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
chromosome +     
nuclear lumen +     
chromatin +   
chromosomal region +   
cohesin complex +   
condensed chromosome +   
condensin complex  
Ctf18 RFC-like complex  
DNA replication termination region 
Elg1 RFC-like complex  
Lsd1/2 complex 
mitochondrial chromosome  
nuclear chromosome +   
A chromosome that encodes the nuclear genome and is found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell during the cell cycle phases when the nucleus is intact.
nuclear exosome (RNase complex) +   
nuclear periphery +   
nuclear proteasome complex +   
nucleolus +   
nucleolus-like body 
nucleoplasm +   
origin recognition complex +   
perinucleolar compartment  
plastid chromosome +  
polytene chromosome +   
Rad17 RFC-like complex  
RecFOR complex 
RecQ family helicase-topoisomerase III complex  
replication fork +   
sex chromosome +   
site of DNA damage +   

Narrow Synonyms: nuclear interphase chromosome
Definition Sources: GOC:dph, GOC:mah

paths to the root