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Ontology Browser

hereditary thyroid gland medullary carcinoma (EFO:1001957)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
thyroid carcinoma +     
differentiated thyroid carcinoma +   
familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma +  
hereditary thyroid gland medullary carcinoma 
A medullary thyroid gland carcinoma inherited through an autosomal dominant mode. It is associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type II (2a) or III (2b).
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 +  
thyroid gland adenocarcinoma +   
Thyroid Gland Spindle Cell Tumor with Thymus-Like Differentiation 
Thyroid Gland Squamous Cell Carcinoma 
Thyroid Gland Undifferentiated (Anaplastic) Carcinoma 

Exact Synonyms: Familial Thyroid Gland Medullary Carcinoma ;   Hereditary Thyroid Gland Medullary Cancer ;   familial medullary thyroid cancer
Xrefs: DOID:0050547 ;   NCI:C46099

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