a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5 measurement
abnormal paneth cell measurement
activities of daily living score measurement
adhesion molecule measurement +
advanced glycation end-product measurement
aggressive behaviour measurement +
alcohol consumption measurement +
allantoin measurement
allergy measurement +
alpha-1-antitrypsin measurement
alpha-amino-N-butyric acid measurement
American College of Rheumatology Improvement Criteria
amino acid measurement +
ammonia measurement
amyloid deposition measurement +
analgesia requirement measurement
androstenedione measurement
anion gap measurement
ankylosing spondylitis disease activity score
anthropometric measurement +
antibody measurement +
antioxidant measurement
antisaccade response measurement
arthritis disease activity score measurement
aspirin hydrolysis measurement
atazanavir measurement
athletic endurance measurement
autoimmune disease biomarker +
behavior or behavioral disorder measurement
beverage consumption measurement +
bilirubin measurement
biopsy number
birth measurement
birth rate
blood group +
Any of the various types of human blood whose antigen characteristics determine compatibility in transfusion. While the ABO and Rhesus sytems are the most well known, there are in total about 300 different blood type antigens distributed across 34 different blood type systems.