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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
behavior +     
addictive behaviour 
aggressive behavior  
anti-social behavior 
anxiety-like behavior 
behavioral response to water deprivation 
callous character 
callous-unemotional behaviour  
Cannabis use  
Cannabis use initiation  
chewing tobacco behavior 
circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 
circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep 
drinking behavior +   
eating behaviour +   
exploratory behavior 
gambling behaviour  
helping behaviour 
Some aspect of helping behavior, for example helping others without being paid. Helping behavior is an example of prosocial behavior.
illegal drug consumption  
medication adherence behavior  
nicotine use  
non-substance related disinhibited behaviour  
risk-taking behaviour  
sexual behavior +   
smoking behavior  
smoking cessation  
smoking initiation  
social behavior 
stress-induced anxiety-like behavior 
suicide behaviour +   
vocalization behavior 

paths to the root