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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acoustic startle blink response measurement  
anterior chamber depth measurement +   
axial length measurement  
central corneal thickness  
choroidal thickness measurement  
contrast sensitivity measurement  
corneal endothelial cell measurement  
corneal hysteresis  
corneal resistance factor  
corneal topography  
cortical opacity measurement 
eye colour measurement  
eye morphology measurement  
quantification of some aspect of eye morphology, such as the width of the eye socket
eye movement measurement +   
eyelid sagging measurement  
forehead morphology measurement  
intraocular pressure change measurement  
intraocular pressure measurement  
macula measurement +   
myopic maculopathy severity measurement  
optic disc measurement +   
refractive error measurement 
retinal layer thickness measurement +   
retinal vasculature measurement  
visual acuity measurement  

Xrefs: CMO:0003080 ;   PMID:27560520
External Ontologys: is_about EFO:UBERON:0000970

paths to the root