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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
JT interval  
P wave duration  
measurement of the time from start to finish of the P wave, in the electrocardiograph illustrating the initial deflection of the cardiac cycle, representing the excitation of the atria.
P wave terminal force measurement  
PP interval 
PR interval +   
PR segment +   
QRS amplitude  
QRS complex  
QRS-T angle  
QT interval  
R wave amplitude  
RR interval  
S wave amplitude 
ST segment duration 
T wave amplitude 
T wave duration 
T wave morphology measurement  
TP segment duration 
TpTe measurement 
ventricular repolarisation duration measurement 

Xrefs: CMO:0000264 ;   SNOMEDCT:251204004
External Ontologys: is_about EFO:UBERON:0004535

paths to the root