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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
C4BP measurement  
clusterin measurement +   
complement C3 measurement  
complement C4 measurement  
erythropoetin measurement  
estrogen measurement +   
free androgen index  
glycoprotein change measurement  
HbA1c measurement  
osteopontin measurement  
sclerostin measurement  
sex hormone-binding globulin measurement  
Is a quantification of sex hormone binding globulin. In men the test is used in when investigating testosterone deficiency. The SHBG glycoprotein binds to circulating estradiol and testosterone, low levels of SHBG may be implicated in breast cancer etiology.
sortilin measurement  
sputum mucin measurement 
testosterone measurement  
YKL40 measurement  

Exact Synonyms: SHBG level ;   SHBG levels
External Ontologys: is_about is_about EFO:0000660 ;   is_about is_about EFO:0003941 ;   is_about EFO:CHEBI:50112

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