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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
behavior +     
addictive behaviour 
aggressive behavior  
anti-social behavior 
anxiety-like behavior 
behavioral response to water deprivation 
callous character 
callous-unemotional behaviour  
Cannabis use  
Cannabis use initiation  
chewing tobacco behavior 
circadian sleep/wake cycle, non-REM sleep 
circadian sleep/wake cycle, REM sleep 
drinking behavior +   
eating behaviour +   
exploratory behavior 
gambling behaviour  
helping behaviour 
illegal drug consumption  
medication adherence behavior  
nicotine use  
non-substance related disinhibited behaviour  
risk-taking behaviour  
sexual behavior +   
smoking behavior  
Inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or something similar to tobacco.
smoking cessation  
smoking initiation  
social behavior 
stress-induced anxiety-like behavior 
suicide behaviour +   
vocalization behavior 

Exact Synonyms: smoking
Xrefs: MeSH:D012907 ;   NCI:C20134

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