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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
glycoprotein +    
sex hormone-binding globulin 
A glycoprotein migrating as a beta-globulin. Its molecular weight, 52,000 or 95,000-115,000, indicates that it exists as a dimer. The protein binds testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estradiol in the plasma. Sex hormone-binding protein has the same amino acid sequence as ANDROGEN-BINDING PROTEIN. They differ by their sites of synthesis and post-translational oligosaccharide modifications.

Exact Synonyms: SHBG ;   Sex Steroid Binding Protein ;   Testosterone Estradiol Binding Globulin
Xrefs: MeSH:D012738 ;   NCI:C17128 ;   Wikipedia:Sex_hormone-binding_globulin

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