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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
amino acid transmembrane transporter activity +  
An antibody function (or antigen binding function) is an infection-fighting protein molecule in blood or secretory fluids that tags, neutralizes, and helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and toxins.
calcium channel activity 
catalytic activity +  
chloride transmembrane transporter activity 
folic acid transmembrane transporter activity 
gap junction channel activity 
glucose-6-phosphate transmembrane transporter activity 
gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone activity 
iron ion transmembrane transporter activity 
nuclear progesterone receptor binding 
riboflavin transmembrane transporter activity 
RNA binding 
sialic acid transmembrane transporter activity 
signaling receptor activity +  

Exact Synonyms: antibodies
Xrefs: MO:833 ;   MeSH:D000906 ;   NCI:C16295 ;   NIFSTD:birnlex_2110 ;   SNOMEDCT:68498002

paths to the root