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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
diaphragm disease +     
enterocele +     
Abdominal Hernia +   
Acromegaloid Features, Overgrowth, Cleft Palate, and Hernia 
diaphragmatic eventration +   
Diaphragmatic Hernia +   
Protrusion of abdominal structures into the THORAX as a result of congenital or traumatic defects in the respiratory DIAPHRAGM.
Encephalocele +   
Incisional Hernia 
Megarbane Syndrome 
meningocele +   
Obturator Hernia 

Exact Synonyms: Diaphragmatic Hernias
Primary IDs: MESH:D006548
Xrefs: EFO:0008561

paths to the root