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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Femoral Fractures +     
Hip Injuries +     
atypical femoral fracture  
Hip Dislocation  
Hip Fractures +   
Fractures of the FEMUR HEAD; the FEMUR NECK; (FEMORAL NECK FRACTURES); the trochanters; or the inter- or subtrochanteric region. Excludes fractures of the acetabulum and fractures of the femoral shaft below the subtrochanteric region (FEMORAL FRACTURES).

Exact Synonyms: Intertrochanteric Fractures ;   Subtrochanteric Fractures ;   Trochanteric Fractures
Primary IDs: MESH:D006620
Xrefs: EFO:0003964
Definition Sources: MESH:D006620

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