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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
echinococcosis +     
alveolar echinococcosis  
Amebic Liver Abscess  
cystic echinococcosis  
Hepatic Echinococcosis +   
Liver disease caused by infections with parasitic tapeworms of the genus ECHINOCOCCUS, such as Echinococcus granulosus or Echinococcus multilocularis. Ingested Echinococcus ova burrow into the intestinal mucosa. The larval migration to the liver via the PORTAL VEIN leads to watery vesicles (HYDATID CYST).
hepatosplenic schistosomiasis  
polycystic echinococcosis 
Pulmonary Echinococcosis 
Severe Hepatic Fibrosis due to Schistosoma Mansoni Infection 

Exact Synonyms: Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcis ;   Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcoses ;   Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcosis ;   Hepatic Echinococcoses ;   Hepatic Hydatid Cyst ;   Hepatic Hydatid Cysts ;   Hepatic Hydatidoses ;   Hepatic Hydatidosis
Primary IDs: MESH:D004444
Alternate IDs: RDO:0002220
Definition Sources: MESH:D004444

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