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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
uterine disease +     
adhesions of uterus  
cervix disease +   
chronic subinvolution of uterus 
endometrial disease +   
endometriosis of uterus  
endometritis +   
female infertility of uterine origin 
gonorrhea +  
McKusick-Kaufman syndrome  
placenta disease +   
Progesterone Resistance  
An accumulation of PUS in the uterine cavity (UTERUS). Pyometra generally indicates the presence of infections.
Taylor's syndrome 
Uterine Hemorrhage +   
uterine hyperstimulation 
uterine inflammatory disease 
uterine inversion 
Uterine Neoplasms +   
Uterine Prolapse  
Uterine Retroversion 
Uterine Rupture +  

Exact Synonyms: Pyometras
Primary IDs: MESH:D055112 ;   RDO:0007701
Definition Sources: MESH:D055112

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