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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
strabismus +     
3MC syndrome 2  
Alazami-Yuan Syndrome  
binocular vision disease +  
This disease is characterized by the inability to elevate the adducted eye actively or passively. There is less elevation deficit with the eye in midposition, and minimal or no deficit in abduction. Brown syndrome accounts for approximately 2% of strabismus cases. Ten percent of cases are bilateral, and left- and right-sided unilateral cases are equal in frequency.
conjugate gaze palsy  
Delayed Speech Development, with Facial Asymmetry, Strabismus, and Transverse Earlobe Crease 
Duane retraction syndrome +   
esotropia +   
exotropia +   
Hemifacial Hyperplasia with Strabismus 
Impaired intellectual development, anterior maxillary protrusion, and strabismus  
intermittent squint 
internuclear ophthalmoplegia 
Krauss Herman Holmes Syndrome 
McPherson Robertson Cammarano Syndrome 
mechanical strabismus +  
Mehes Syndrome 
monofixation syndrome 
paralytic squint +   
Ptosis, Strabismus, and Ectopic Pupils 
Singh Chhaparwal Dhanda Syndrome 
Van Bogaert-Hozay Syndrome 

Exact Synonyms: BRWNS
Xrefs: MIM:616407
Definition Sources: MIM:616407

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