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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
lymphedema +     
Aagenaes syndrome  
Breast Cancer Lymphedema +  
Choanal Atresia and Lymphedema  
Dahlberg Borer Newcomer Syndrome 
ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency 1  
elephantiasis +   
German Syndrome 
Hennekam syndrome +   
hereditary lymphedema +   
hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome +   
Lymphedema and Cerebral Arteriovenous Anomaly 
Lymphedema, Cardiac Septal Defects, and Characteristic Facies 
lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome +   
microcephaly with or without chorioretinopathy, lymphedema, or mental retardation  
Non-Filarial Lymphedema 
A form of elephantiasis caused by soil particles which penetrate the skin of the foot. It is limited to tropical regions with soils of high volcanic content.
Primary Lymphedema with Myelodysplasia  
Waldmann Disease 

Exact Synonyms: Non-Filarial Lymphedemas
Primary IDs: MESH:D062846 ;   RDO:0012110
Definition Sources: MESH:D062846

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