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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
angiolipoma +  
arteriovenous malformations of the brain +   
axillary lipoma 
benign meningioma 
brain angioma +  
breast lipoma 
central nervous system chondroma 
central nervous system hemangioma +   
central nervous system leiomyoma 
central nervous system lipoma +   
A central nervous system benign neoplasm that derives_from fat cells. (DO)
chest wall lipoma 
chondroid lipoma 
choroid plexus papilloma +   
CLOVES syndrome  
conventional lipoma 
craniopharyngioma +   
diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor 
dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor  
endobronchial lipoma 
esophageal lipoma 
external ear lipoma 
extrahepatic bile duct lipoma 
familial multiple lipomatosis 
gallbladder lipoma 
heart lipoma +  
infiltrating lipoma 
internal auditory canal lipoma 
kidney lipoma 
large intestine lipoma +  
Lipoma of the Conjunctiva 
Lipomatous Hemangiopericytoma 
liver lipoma 
low grade glioma +   
lumbosacral lipoma 
Median Cleft Lip, Corpus Callosum, Lipoma, and Skin Polyps 
meningeal melanocytoma 
multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor 
myxoid glioneuronal tumor 
Nasopalpebral Lipoma Coloboma Syndrome  
neurilemmoma of the fifth cranial nerve 
papillary glioneuronal tumor 
paratesticular lipoma +  
perineural angioma 
peripheral nervous system benign neoplasm +  
pleomorphic lipoma 
pleural lipoma 
polymorphous low grade neuroepithelial tumour of the young 
rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor  
schwannoma of twelfth cranial nerve 
skin lipoma 
skin meningioma 
spinal cord dermoid cyst 
spindle cell lipoma 
tendon sheath lipoma 
thymus lipoma 

Exact Synonyms: lipoma of the CNS
Primary IDs: RDO:9004396
Xrefs: NCI:C5451
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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