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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
brain infarction +     
brain stem infarction +   
A brain infarction that is characterized by stroke of the brain stem that develops from blockage or narrowing in the arteries located_in the brainstem, has_material_basis_in damage to the cranial nerve nuclei and long tracts, has_symptom vertigo, has_symptom imbalance, has_symptom decreased level of arousal. (DO)
cerebral infarction +   

Exact Synonyms: Benedict Syndrome ;   Brainstem Infarction ;   Brainstem Stroke ;   Claude Syndrome ;   Foville Syndrome ;   Millard Gublar Syndrome ;   Top of the Basilar Syndrome ;   Weber syndrome ;   brain stem infarctions ;   brainstem infarctions
Primary IDs: MESH:D020526
Xrefs: EFO:1000847
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO"

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