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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenal adenoma +   
adrenal rest tumor 
angiolipoma +  
axillary lipoma 
benign deep fibrous histiocytoma 
benign exocrine pancreas neoplasm 
breast lipoma 
central nervous system lipoma +   
chest wall lipoma 
chondroid lipoma 
CLOVES syndrome  
conventional lipoma 
ectopic thymus 
endobronchial lipoma 
esophageal lipoma 
external ear lipoma 
extrahepatic bile duct lipoma 
familial multiple lipomatosis 
gallbladder lipoma 
gonadoblastoma +  
granular cell tumor of the sellar region 
heart lipoma +  
hemangioma of spleen 
infiltrating lipoma 
internal auditory canal lipoma 
intestinal neuroendocrine benign tumor +   
kidney lipoma 
large intestine lipoma +  
laryngeal neuroendocrine tumor 
Lipoma of the Conjunctiva 
Lipomatous Hemangiopericytoma 
liver benign neoplasm +   
liver lipoma 
lumbosacral lipoma 
lymph node benign neoplasm +  
Median Cleft Lip, Corpus Callosum, Lipoma, and Skin Polyps 
Nasopalpebral Lipoma Coloboma Syndrome  
oxyphilic adenoma +   
pancreatic cystadenoma +   
paratesticular lipoma +  
parathyroid gland benign neoplasm +   
pheochromocytoma +   
pineocytoma +   
pituitary gland benign neoplasm +   
pleomorphic lipoma 
pleural lipoma 
skin lipoma 
spindle cell lipoma 
tendon sheath lipoma 
thymic dysplasia 
Thymus Hyperplasia  
thymus lipoma 
An immune system organ benign neoplasm that is located_in the thymus and derives_from fat cells. (DO)
Thymus Neoplasms +   
thyroid adenoma +   

Exact Synonyms: thymolipoma
Xrefs: NCI:C6452
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

paths to the root