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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
myopathy +     
Alcohol Myopathy  
congenital myopathy +   
A myopathy that is characterized by hypotonia and weakness, usually present from birth. (DO)
Developmental Delay with Hypotonia, Myopathy, and Brain Abnormalities  
King Denborough syndrome  
mitochondrial myopathy +   
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia with Myopathy 
muscular atrophy +   
muscular dystrophy +   
Myoectodermal Gonadal Dysgenesis Syndrome  
myofascial pain syndrome +   
myofibrillar myopathy +   
myoglobinuria +   
Myopathy due to Malate-Aspartate Shuttle Defect 
myopathy of extraocular muscle +   
myopathy with extrapyramidal signs  
Myopathy with Giant Abnormal Mitochondria 
Myopathy with Myalgia, increased Serum Creatine Kinase, and with or without Episodic Rhabdomyolysis 1  
Myopathy with Myalgia, increased Serum Creatine Kinase, and with or without Episodic Rhabdomyolysis 2  
Myopathy, Cataract, Hypogonadism Syndrome 
Myopathy, Epilepsy, and Progressive Cerebral Atrophy  
myositis +   
neurogenic scapuloperoneal syndrome Kaeser type  
Neutral Lipid Storage Disease with Myopathy  
Oculopharyngeal Myopathy with Leukoencephalopathy 1  
polymyalgia rheumatica  
Reducing Body Myopathies +   
rhabdomyolysis-myalgia syndrome 
Sarcoplasmic Body Myopathy  
Secretory Diarrhea, Myopathy, and Deafness 
Tubular Aggregate Myopathies +   
X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy  

Exact Synonyms: Batten Turner congenital myopathy
Alternate IDs: DOID:0080100
Xrefs: MIM:PS117000
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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