kidney cortex damaged tubule count to kidney cortex total tubule count ratio
kidney medulla damaged tubule count to kidney medulla total tubule count ratio
number of glomeruli per kidney to number of ureteric bud tips per kidney ratio
number of ureteric bud tips per kidney
This is a measurement of the number of ureteric bud tips calculated to be in one kidney from a measured sample of that kidney. Ureteric bud tips are at the terminal ends of the ureteric tree. The ureteric tip cells are proliferating immature cells located at the branching points that induce the adjacent cap mesenchyme to undergo nephrogenesis.
renal tubulointerstitial score
volume of glomerular capillary tuft not affected by sclerosis
volume of glomerular capillary tuft occupied by sclerosis
volume of glomerular capillary tuft occupied by sclerosis to volume of total glomerular capillary tuft ratio
volume of kidney cortical interstitium to total volume of kidney cortex ratio