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serum phosphate level to plasma pyrophosphate level ratio (CMO:0003231)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
calculated plasma pyrophosphate level 
serum calcium to serum phosphate ratio 
serum phosphate level to plasma pyrophosphate level ratio 
This is a measure of inorganic phosphate in serum in plasma divided by the inorganic pyrophosphate from the same individual subject, presented as a ratio, fraction, quotient or percentage. Pyrophosphates are phosphorus oxyanions that contain two phosphorus atoms in a P-O-P linkage with the formula O7P2 and inorganic phosphorus is any phosphate not associated with carbon atoms.

Exact Synonyms: Pi to PPi ratio ;   Pi/PPi ;   serum inorganic phosphate level to plasma inorganic pyrophosphate level ratio
Definition Sources: CHEBI:24838, PMID:28111129

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