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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
calculated drink intake volume +   
ethanol drink intake volume +   
quinine drink intake volume +  
saccharin drink intake volume +   
saline drink intake volume 
The amount of a solution of sodium chloride that is consumed as a drink, that is, a liquid that is brought into the mouth and swallowed to quench thirst, for nourishment, etc., during a specified period of time. A sodium chloride solution is homogeneous mixture of atoms of sodium, the chemical element with atomic number 11, that have lost one electron forming a cation with a charge of +1, and an equivalent number of atoms of chlorine, the chemical element with atomic number 17, that have gained one electron forming an anion with a charge of -1 dispersed molecularly in a sufficient quantity of dissolving medium (solvent) such as water.
sucrose drink intake volume +   
water drink intake volume +  

Exact Synonyms: sodium chloride drinking water intake volume
Related Synonyms: dietary sodium intake measurement ;   isotonic saline intake volume ;   normal saline intake volume ;   physiological saline intake volume
Xrefs: EFO:0020080
Definition Sources: Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, "YourDictionary" "YourDictionary", ISBN:978-1416049982

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