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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
liver glucokinase level 
liver glucose-6-phosphatase level 
liver ornithine decarboxylase activity 
Measurement in a specified sample of liver of the amount of ezymatic activity of ornithine decarboxylase, that is, the ability of the protein to catalyze the decarboxylation of ornithine (a product of the urea cycle) to form putrescine, the rate-limiting and first committed step in polyamine synthesis. The liver is the large, dark-red organ located in the cranial portion of the abdomen of vertebrates, just behind or below the diaphragm, the functions of which include storage and filtration of blood; secretion of bile; detoxification of noxious substances; conversion of sugars into glycogen; synthesis and breakdown of fats and temporary storage of fatty acids; and synthesis of serum proteins.

Exact Synonyms: hepatic ornithine decarboxylase activity
Related Synonyms: liver ODC activity
Xrefs: EC:
Definition Sources: "Wikipedia" "Wikipedia", Saunders:Saunders_Comprehensive_Veterinary_Dictionary--3rd_Ed

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