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cerebrovascular non-tumorous lesion incidence/prevalence measurement (CMO:0000931)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cerebrovascular non-tumorous lesion incidence/prevalence measurement +   
A measurement in which the number of individuals in a study population that display one or more non-tumorous cerebrovascular lesion(s) at a point in time or develop such lesions within a determined period of time are compared to the total number of individuals in the study population. Often expressed as a percentage but could be expressed as a ratio. A non-tumorous cerebrovascular lesion is a non-neoplastic, localized, pathological change in the structure of the brain which involves or is caused by a component of the vascular system and/or blood supply of the brain, due to injury or disease; especially one that is circumscribed and well defined.
percentage of study population developing cerebral small vessel thrombosis and adjacent tissue infarction during a period of time 
percentage of study population developing cerebral beta-amyloid deposits during a period of time +  

Definition Sources: Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, ISBN:978-1416049982

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