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Ontology Browser

concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) (CMO:0000724)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acetylcholine-induced blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel 
blood vessel dilation expressed as percent reduction of the force generated in a pre-constricted blood vessel +  
concentration of acetylcholine at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) +  
A calculated value for the concentration of acetylcholine (ACh), the ester of acetic acid and choline with chemical formula CH3C=OO(CH2)2-N(+)-(CH3)3 and IUPAC name 2-acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium, which acts as a neurotransmitter, at which the energy exerted during the active expansion in the diameter of a blood vessel in response to the application of ACh is halfway between the highest value, that is the force at greatest constriction (often measured in a pre-constricted blood vessel), and the lowest achievable value of such contractile energy during ACh-induced relaxation of the vessel wall (i.e. the maximum effect of Ach which is the minimum contractile energy).
concentration of BAY 60-4552 at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
concentration of carbachol at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
concentration of GSK2181236A at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) 
concentration of sodium nitroprusside at which the reduction in force during dilation of a blood vessel is half the maximum value (EC50) +  

Exact Synonyms: acetylcholine half maximal effective concentration (EC50)
Xrefs: CHEBI:15355
Definition Sources: Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, "Wikipedia" "Wikipedia", ISBN:978-1416049982

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