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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
calculated urine protein level +  
urine albumin level +   
The amount of albumin in a specified volume of urine. Urine albumin levels which are above normal but not detectable with routine protein testing are referred to as microalbuminuria.
urine enzyme level +  
urine KIM-1/TIM-1/HAVCR level 
urine lipocalin 2 level 
urine osteopontin level 
urine total protein level 
urine urotensin II level +  

Narrow Synonyms: urinary microalbumin measurement
Related Synonyms: urine microalbumin level
Xrefs: EFO:0010967
Definition Sources: ISBN:978-0323057479, Mosby:Mosbys_Manual_of_Diagnostic_and_Laboratory_Tests--4th_Ed

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