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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenergic agent +   
ambenonium chloride  
angiotensin I  
cholinergic drug +   
dopaminergic agent +   
excitatory amino acid agonist +   
GABA agent +   
GABA reuptake inhibitor +   
GHB receptor agonist +   
histaminergic drug +   
miotic +   
An agent causing contraction of the pupil of the eye. Because the size of the pupil is under the antagonistic control of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, drugs affecting either system can cause miosis. Drugs that mimic or potentiate the parasympathetic input to the circular constrictor muscle and drugs that inhibit sympathetic input to the radial dilator muscle tend to contract the pupils.
N-methyl-D-aspartic acid  
nerve growth factor stimulator +  
neurotransmitter transporter modulator +   
opioid agent +   
serotonergic drug +   
strychnine +   
strychnine hydrochloride 

Related Synonyms: Miotico ;   miotics

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