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The Vertebrate Trait Ontology (VT) is being developed as a collaborative effort between the Rat Genome Database at the Medical College of Wisconsin (RGD,, Mouse Genome Informatics at the Jackson Laboratory ( and the Animal QTL database at Iowa State University ( For more information about this vocabulary, or to request additions or changes, please contact us (

Term:blood xenobiotic amount
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Accession:VT:0010622 term browser browse the term
Definition:The proportion, quantity, or volume in the blood of any pharmacologically, endocrinologically, or toxicologically active substance not endogenously produced and therefore foreign to an organism.
Synonyms:xref: EFO:0801079

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blood xenobiotic amount term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS1224864_H 8-isoprostaglandin-F2alpha measurement, bisphenol A measurement QTL GWAS1224864 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:34619205 NCBI chr 4:17,450,137...17,450,138 JBrowse link
Q GWAS1622589_H bisphenol A measurement QTL GWAS1622589 (human) IAGP GWAS_CATALOG PMID:36395887 NCBI chr 7:47,021,850...47,021,851 JBrowse link

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Term Annotations click to browse term
  vertebrate trait 140991
    organism trait 89934
      homeostasis trait 31509
        blood homeostasis trait 28551
          blood molecular composition trait 26383
            blood xenobiotic amount 2
              blood acetaminophen amount 0
              blood enzyme inhibitor amount 0
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