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The Vertebrate Trait Ontology (VT) is being developed as a collaborative effort between the Rat Genome Database at the Medical College of Wisconsin (RGD,, Mouse Genome Informatics at the Jackson Laboratory ( and the Animal QTL database at Iowa State University ( For more information about this vocabulary, or to request additions or changes, please contact us (

Term:middle cervical ganglion morphology trait
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Accession:VT:0001016 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the shape, structure, color, or pattern of the small ganglion located at the level of the cricoid cartilage of the laryngeal wall.

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  vertebrate trait 5
    organ system trait 5
      nervous/sensory system trait 0
        nervous system morphology trait 0
          autonomic nervous system morphology trait 0
            sympathetic nervous system morphology trait 0
              sympathetic ganglion morphology trait 0
                paravertebral ganglion morphology trait 0
                  middle cervical ganglion morphology trait 0
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